Edcon East & RoundTable

Posted By: Carter Nelson Advocacy News,

Last week, Carter was in Eastern Washington alongside other WMFHA team members to attend EdCon East, as well as the Eastern Executive Council meeting. While there, she provided a legislative session and election preparation update as well as engaged members as to what they are seeing in their area in terms of trends and concerns. Unfortunately, early in the week news broke in Spokane of a proposal to expand tenant protections without any outreach to our organization. This made the timing of our trip even more important as we were able to discuss with those who would be affected by the policy idea. 

To help get members excited about advocacy, EdCon East offered a talk led by Carter about Grassroots Advocacy and the importance of getting involved. The trip was full of great conversations with members. Please stay tuned for more information regarding the tenant protections in Spokane.