Member Spotlight - Katie Phelan

Posted By: Andy Nelson (deleted) Articles, WMFHA Updates,
"I began getting involved with WMFHA when I was just 19 years old. During the past 12 years, I have connected with so many amazing people who have become customers and even friends. I consider the relationships made through my involvement with WMFHA as invaluable. I have had the luxury of learning from and connecting with our industry's best and brightest."

What inspired you to get your Certified Apartment Supplier credential? 

"WMFHA's amazing Director of Career Development, Sloane. Sloane let me know about this amazing opportunity for Supplier Partners to get some extra education via the CAS program. I was even lucky enough to receive a full scholarship!" 

How has your credential added value to your career?

"I was able to combine lessons learned during my CAS course with my 15 years of experience, making me even more of an industry expert. I now have additional insight into my customers day-to-day, allowing me to provide way better service."

As a supplier, what is the best thing WMFHA has done for you? 

"As a supplier, WMFHA creates the perfect atmosphere for me to connect with future customers and participate in industry events. I have volunteered on many committees throughout the years, each helping me grow and giving me an opportunity to give back to the industry I love so much."
"WMFHA is family to me, and I am eternally thankful for all the ways they have helped me learn, connect, and grow."