Remaining Covid Emergency Orders and State of Emergency to End by October 31, Governor Inslee Announces Continue Reading
We keep you up to date on the latest industry news, trends, legislation, education, and celebrations.
In a post-pandemic world where everyone is trying to recover and regroup it is easy to keep your eyes down and keep plugging away. Everyone in every industry is short-staffed and trying desperately to keep our business going and our overworked teams happy. It is NOT a time where it is easy to... Continue Reading
On Tuesday, August 16, the Olympia City Council passed a new “Tenant Protection” Ordinance” with several requirements/prohibitions. Thankfully, due to WMFHA GA efforts, the council chose to apply a delayed effective date for the notification requirements. The adopted ordinance... Continue Reading
On Wednesday, August 3, the Kirkland City Council passed a new “Tenant Protection” Ordinance with several requirements/prohibitions. Thankfully, due to WMFHA GA and member efforts, the council chose to apply a delayed effective date of September 18 as well as protections for renewal... Continue Reading
On Monday July 25, the Kenmore City Council passed a new “just cause” ordinance with several requirements/prohibitions regarding evictions and tenancy termination. The effective date is Wednesday August 24, 2022. Just Cause A landlord shall not evict or attempt to evict any... Continue Reading
On Tuesday July 19, the Redmond City Council passed a new “Tenant Protection” Ordinance with several requirements/prohibitions. Unfortunately, the council chose an immediate effective date of July 30, so we want to make you aware so you can update your processes to comply. Notice of... Continue Reading
We are only six months into 2022, but the trend of housing providers leaving the Seattle market hasn’t slowed down. According to the latest data from Seattle’s Rental Property Registration database, Seattle continues to experience a decline in rental housing, with a net loss of 313... Continue Reading
Our members are like family! We are happy to have our newest members join the association. New Property Management Members: Sunlight Rentals LLC Sound Residential Investments Regenesis Property Management New Property Members: Black Bird Management Muir Apartments, Avenue5... Continue Reading
Businesses get started because we have great ideas or processes, or both! Running a successful firm demands more than great ideas or processes but you probably weren’t expecting that your admin responsibilities would be a full-time job. Like any other type of business, the property... Continue Reading
Winter can cause some problems with your plumbing system. Hoses and pipes may develop cracks and cause them to leak. Drains can get clogged. Before problems escalate, it is best to check your plumbing in the spring and get it ready for spring rains and the rest of the seasons. Here are spring... Continue Reading
When apartment communities relax breed and weight restrictions, the immediate reactions center upon what it means to current and future residents. Most notably, it means more pets will be accepted at move-in and existing residents have fewer restrictions when obtaining a new pet. But while... Continue Reading
Offering feedback to a colleague can be tricky. So tricky, that a lot of us skip it all together! Perhaps we see someone else’s mistake or missed task, but we say nothing, fearing that bringing it up may damage the relationship. Maybe something a coworker said rubbed us the wrong way, but we... Continue Reading