The economic impacts of the coronavirus are placing new challenges on both residents and housing providers who must work together to find solutions during this difficult time. Now more than ever, we need to do everything we can to help people remain in their homes while we ensure that our... Continue Reading
We keep you up to date on the latest industry news, trends, legislation, education, and celebrations.
Dear WMFHA members,I write to update you on Washington's statewide eviction moratorium. I ask that you share your story with me about how the eviction moratorium is affecting the ability to properly manage your community. As you know, on March 18, Governor Inslee issued Proclamation 20-19 which... Continue Reading
Economic Injurty and Disaster Loans (EIDLs). As Monument notes, the CARES Act temporarily expands eligibility for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans. What they are: An emergency loan program for federal disasters, including COVID-19. This program offers up to $2 million in assistance for fixed... Continue Reading
Dear WMFHA member,Over the past week, we've been working with our partners in the real estate industry to confirm with the state that residential property management services are considered Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers. I can report that residential property management services are... Continue Reading
Engagement can be defined as the act or state of interlocking. To encourage Washington Multi-Family Housing Association (WMFHA) members to “interlock” with the association, we employed many innovative and effective tactics in 2019. These included easy ways for members to use their... Continue Reading
Our current membership reaches 1,499 communities, 259 industry supplier companies, and 170 management companies. In terms of individuals, we have 3,789 people’s email addresses. With a staff of just six people, we know we can’t individually reach all our members. However, with a... Continue Reading
Our event and educational training attendance were off the charts in 2019! We held 79 events and educational offerings throughout the year. 30 of those sold out at maximum capacity and nearly all the others were at 90% capacity. Due to the success of all our events and education in 2019, we are... Continue Reading
We introduced a lot of new and different ideas to engage our members in 2019, and a lot of these ideas came directly from our members! We believe that the people we serve make our association great, so who better to brainstorm on ways to engage themselves? Our members are on the cutting edge of... Continue Reading
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Our most passionate volunteer and supporter with her unwavering service to the association and industry, her exemplary leadership skills and dedication, is Sheri Druckman, CAPS. Sheri has served on our Board of Directors for six years and has held the Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President,... Continue Reading