Fiscal cutoff is a passed, but some priority bills are still alive. Continue Reading
Advocacy News
Policy Issues and Legal Topics Affecting Multifamily Housing
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The Partnership for Affordable Housing Shares Economic Report - Rent Growth Cap Will be Detrimental to Washington Seattle, WASH. -- (February 7, 2024) – The Partnership for Affordable Housing (PAH), a 501c (4) non-profit coalition of housing providers and business groups in... Continue Reading
Week four, and policy committee cutoff is behind us. Also another successful day on the hill with over 150 members joining us to educate legislators on our industry and how proposed legislation will affect our ability to provide housing to Washingtonians. Good news is that SB 5961, the Senate... Continue Reading
WMFHA members answered the call to ADVOCATE! This past Tuesday (January 30th), over 140 WMFHA members and staff spent the day at the Capitol in Olympia meeting with 66 legislators from the House and Senate, and the Lieutenant Governor of Washington, to advocate on behalf of the multi-family... Continue Reading
Week three is done and the first committee cut-off date looms large. The policy committee cutoff date is next Friday, which means that any bills that are not required to implement the budget need to be out of the committees in their house of origin by Friday or are dead (although some shenanigans... Continue Reading
If you or your company has made a PAC contribution from a corporate account, Washington law requires a “Certification of Contribution” to be completed. You or your accounting department will receive this... Continue Reading
Last year, the City of Spokane joined jurisdictions across the state in passing additional regulations on the housing industry. We are now starting to receive feedback on the effects of this policy from our members. Included in these negative effects is the frustration with encouraging residents... Continue Reading
The 2024 Legislative Session convened on Monday January 8 and will run for 60 days through March 7 at midnight. With the short session, everything is starting sooner and moving faster. 491 bills and resolutions were pre-filed in the House and Senate, with the majority of topics outside the scope... Continue Reading
Your advocacy team and fellow industry leaders had no time to rest at the start of this session. With a House and Senate version of rent control scheduled for hearings in the first week, the team and our stakeholder partners had to activate on short notice to address the biggest threat to our... Continue Reading
If you missed the 2024 Legislative Preview, we have you covered. On January 3, Senator Mark Mullet and Representative April Connors joined the WMFHA advocacy team for our session preview webinar. In addition to hearing from them about the upcoming session, the advocacy team provided a brief... Continue Reading
Join us for a pre-briefing webinar tomorrow to hear about the legislative process and what to expect at Day on the Hill! If you are registered for Day on the Hill, don’t forget that you need to either tune in live, or watch the recording prior to January 30. This will allow attendees to be... Continue Reading
Senator Mark Mullet and Representative Spencer Hitchins will be joining the WMFHA advocacy team for our pre-session webinar on January 3rd from 9:00-10:30 am. In addition to hearing from the legislatures about the expect from the 2024 session, the advocacy tram will also be providing a brief... Continue Reading