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Click and Lease 30 day notice update (Recent Cares Act Court Decision) Continue Reading
After hearing from WMFHA, housing providers and industry partners, Spokane City Council delays vote on tenant protection ordinance 36330. With first council discussion at the November, 21 2022 City Council briefing session, the ordinance was on the fast track to be passed at the December 5 City... Continue Reading
On Monday, December 5 the WA Court of Appeals published their opinion in Yemeserach Gebreseralse v. Columbia Debt Relief. The court found, in this circumstance, that the security deposit couldn't be fully forfeit due to the tenant’s failure to give notice and must, at least in portion, be... Continue Reading
Notice of Recent CARES Act Notice to Vacate Appeals Court Opinion - On Monday, December 5 the WA Court of Appeals published their opinion in Sherwood Auburn LLC v. Joel Pinzon and Rosa Mendez. This will require landlords, that are subject to the CARES Act, to modify the state court 14-day... Continue Reading
At the December 8 Government Affairs Committee meeting, WMFHA contract lobbyist Kathryn Hedrick presented “Legislation 1010 and Session Preview.” The presentation was a primer for some and reminder for others on the legislative makeup, the process of bill creation, drafting and... Continue Reading
WMFHA Director of Government Affairs Ryan Makinster and Consultant Kathryn Hedrick recently met with Democratic members of the “pragmatic” caucus during the Jackson Legacy Fund Reception in Olympia. As sponsors of the exclusive pre-reception social hour, WMFHA was able to discuss... Continue Reading
The NAA Assembly of Delegates was held November 14-17 in Norfolk, Virginia with several WMFHA members and staff in attendance. The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is composed of up to two hundred and fifty (250) delegates from the NAA’s ten regions. AOD is NAA’s largest business meeting... Continue Reading
57-41 and 29-20 majorities in both the House and Senate respectively. Continue Reading
On Tuesday November 1st WMFHA ‘s Director of Government Affairs, Ryan Makinster and Lobbyist Krystelle Purkey attended a housing roundtable in Olympia hosted by Lt. Governor Denny Heck & Senator Yasmin Trudeau. After opening remarks by Lt. Governor Heck and Senator Trudeau, Dr. Mike... Continue Reading
We know housing and affordability issues will take center stage with lawmakers. Partners for Affordable Housing (PAH), our coalition of organizations with shared interests on housing, is working now to prepare our industry to strategically engage on these critical issues through advocacy. Continue Reading
The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries announced that the state’s minimum wage will increase to $15.74 starting Jan. 1, 2023. Continue Reading