Credential Spotlight - Tatiana Hubbard, CALP

Posted By: Jason Loughridge Articles,

Tatiana Hubbard is someone that any instructor would refer to as a "star student." In 2022 she obtained her CALP (Certified Apartment Leasing Professional) credential and she just completed the CAM (Certified Apartment Manager) course work in September of 2023. Every day of class, she showed up on time or early with a big smile on her face and a positive attitude. She always came prepared and was truly engaged with her instructors and fellow students.

We asked Tatiana to share a little bit about her journey and motivation to obtain her CALP credential and now her CAM credential.

"I started my career in property management back in 2022 with no prior knowledge of how the industry actually worked. When I became a leasing agent, I endeavored to absorb as much knowledge as possible. My goal was to become the best leasing agent I could possibly be. The Certified Apartment Leasing Professional (CALP) program provided me with a great introduction to how the industry operates, the impact of leasing on building performance, and how to effectively influence my market while enhancing my closing and customer service skills. It helped me view my role in a whole new light, not just in terms of my closing ratio, but also in relation to resident satisfaction and community performance.

I take pride in my ability to communicate and connect with residents, providing them with not only a great leasing experience but also a positive experience throughout their time as residents. As I have advanced in my career, I have frequently referred back to what I learned and continue to seek opportunities for further learning and skill improvement. I eagerly anticipate obtaining my Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) designation soon and look forward to learning from industry leaders as often as possible."

We are so proud of you Tatiana! And eagerly anticipate watching your career progress in our industry!

Our upcoming CALP class can help YOU progress your career as well! Click HERE for more information and to register!